
Summative Module 4

I had written that YouTube was by the people for the people, which I still agree with. An average Joe can simply create a video and post it online and receive recognition, but I do also agree with Colin’s argument. He discusses how the creators of YouTube are in it for the money, as it has become so popular they can make a profit by attaching advertisements and short commercials. I liked his comment on how because content is so easily accessible and people can borrow and steal others work quickly, therefore there is easy money to be made. Although social media sites publicize the good aspects such as connecting with friends and sharing funny videos, most of the time it boils down to how much how much money can be made. The second person to comment (mimmzz) was really supportive of the points I made in my discussion.  She touched upon the argument I made about other countries not having the same wealth and access to technology as we, or the United States do. This makes it extremely difficult to spread wealth and education across nations, as they are behind in technological advancements. I really enjoyed watching the Everything is a Remix videos, they were educational along with entertaining. Kirby Ferguson really opened my eyes to how truly everything including music, movies and products are a reproduction of someone else’s creations. Now a days you don’t need “expensive tools, a distributor, even skills” to create a product online. I have learned that media convergence will continue to grow because as we know, people now are mutli-tasking at every given second. Smartphones was an example used by many people, as phones have become somewhere to communicate along with take pictures and play games. This was taking one person’s idea and adding and changing it to satisfy consumers, people are always wanting the newest and latest technology. Therefore media is changing the way people think, the way people are, as the decision process is in the hands of a few people, but effects masses of people.

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