The topic of my storify focuses on Alana and June Thompson, also known as Honey Boo Boo. This show is featured on TLC, and has received many negative comments against it. Highly critiqued for the "go-go" juice used in the show, to get Alana (7 year old) hyper before going on stage. Alana is a "larger" toddler, and only gets noticed because of her poor, hick family, unlike other girls in the pageants, who are acknowledged based on looks. Many people think this show is absolutely ridiculous, as it showcases that Alana never actually wins pageants, how she eats cheese balls for breakfast and stereotypes people living in southern United States. They first appeared on Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC, which is also highly criticized for showing young girls looking like older more sexualized women, and teaching them that beauty is the number one priority from a young age.
Take a look at my storify for more news, clips, tweets, Facebook posts and stories related to Honey Boo Boo.
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